A is for afterparty! We like to celebrate everyone’s achievements, after all. And it is nice to see people scrubbed up nicely.
B is for brain power – cross country is so much more interesting than road running. Will you run around that puddle or straight through it? Over the tree or around it? Your brain will be working overtime and those miles will just tick by.
C is for…cake. All the cake. Definitely more calories consumed than burned, but who is counting? Also cheering.
D is for determination. You don’t have to be fast, but you will definitely be trying your best.
E is for enjoyment! Remember that feeling of jumping in a massive puddle when you were five? It’s like that, but no one will tell you off for it.
F is for Falkirk – the scene of the national finals.
G is for GAA. They put on some great training sessions to help people of all abilities improve. It’s also a good way to meet new people.
H is for hamstrings – they’ll be getting a great workout.
I is for inspirational - that would be the sight of all the WERRs taking to the field together and having a go. Brings a tear to our eyes.
J is for jumper – remember to put a warm one in your bag to pop on afterwards. What better excuse to purchase one of WERR’s stylish new hoodies?
K is for kickass.That feeling you get when you arrive home, covered in mud and grinning from ear to ear.
L is for the Lindsays trophy, which is awarded to the club with the highest number of people taking part. Not that we’re competitive, but we stand a good chance of climbing that table this year.
M is for mud – obviously
N is for ‘nearly there’ - that feeling when you see the finishing line ahead of you and somehow find the strength for a sprint finish.
O is for opportunity. It’s a great chance to try something new.
P is for puddles.So much fun to splosh through them.
Q is for quads. Aching because you have just given them a great workout
R is for relays. The first stage of the XC seasons.
2019 will be the first year that WERR have put a team in. Something new for everyone.
S is for spikes and also your Scottish Athletics number. You need both.
T is for team spirit! And also our lovely new tent.
U is for underdogs. Yes, we’re a small club and we’re really only getting started, but underestimate the WERRwolves at your peril.
V is for vest – you need to wear your club top. Available from the WERR club shop.
W is for the WERRwolves of course.
X is for XC. Or cross country.
Y is for you. We really want everyone to have a go at cross country this year.
Z is for zzzz. You’ll definitely sleep well after all that fresh air.
B is for brain power – cross country is so much more interesting than road running. Will you run around that puddle or straight through it? Over the tree or around it? Your brain will be working overtime and those miles will just tick by.
C is for…cake. All the cake. Definitely more calories consumed than burned, but who is counting? Also cheering.
D is for determination. You don’t have to be fast, but you will definitely be trying your best.
E is for enjoyment! Remember that feeling of jumping in a massive puddle when you were five? It’s like that, but no one will tell you off for it.
F is for Falkirk – the scene of the national finals.
G is for GAA. They put on some great training sessions to help people of all abilities improve. It’s also a good way to meet new people.
H is for hamstrings – they’ll be getting a great workout.
I is for inspirational - that would be the sight of all the WERRs taking to the field together and having a go. Brings a tear to our eyes.
J is for jumper – remember to put a warm one in your bag to pop on afterwards. What better excuse to purchase one of WERR’s stylish new hoodies?
K is for kickass.That feeling you get when you arrive home, covered in mud and grinning from ear to ear.
L is for the Lindsays trophy, which is awarded to the club with the highest number of people taking part. Not that we’re competitive, but we stand a good chance of climbing that table this year.
M is for mud – obviously
N is for ‘nearly there’ - that feeling when you see the finishing line ahead of you and somehow find the strength for a sprint finish.
O is for opportunity. It’s a great chance to try something new.
P is for puddles.So much fun to splosh through them.
Q is for quads. Aching because you have just given them a great workout
R is for relays. The first stage of the XC seasons.
2019 will be the first year that WERR have put a team in. Something new for everyone.
S is for spikes and also your Scottish Athletics number. You need both.
T is for team spirit! And also our lovely new tent.
U is for underdogs. Yes, we’re a small club and we’re really only getting started, but underestimate the WERRwolves at your peril.
V is for vest – you need to wear your club top. Available from the WERR club shop.
W is for the WERRwolves of course.
X is for XC. Or cross country.
Y is for you. We really want everyone to have a go at cross country this year.
Z is for zzzz. You’ll definitely sleep well after all that fresh air.